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EAR CANDLING WITH PURE HERBS in The Villages 34484. Ph # 352-748-1562

U2 Eyebrow Threading and Day Spa
4313 E. CR 466, # 101  
(Oxford) The Villages, Florida 34484
Walk inn HoursMon, Tues, Wed, Fri, Sat - 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Thursday- 9:00 AM to 6 PM. SUNDAY CLOSED
 by appointments only. 9 AM to 7 PM. 7 DAYS.

Clean your ears from wax with the herbal candling. With the vaccum pressure it has suction pressure in the ear so all the impurities comes in the candle hallow. This will make the person cler hearing and also helps sinus of the herbs in the candles.
Ear candling is a form of alternative therapy in which the tapered end of an ear candle is placed in a person’s ear 

while the other end of the candle is lit. Ear wax and other impurities are drawn out of the ear canal by a partial 

vacuum created by the candle flame. Our organic candles are made with special herbs which avoids allergies and sinuses

Herbal Earcandles have their origins in the century-old culture of the Hopi Indians and other cultures. The purely physical mode of action of Earcandles leads to a feel-good relaxation. Lovingly made for you by hand, we only use regularly inspected, 100% natural ingredients such as cotton, beeswax, honey extracts and Indian herbs such as sage, St John's wort and camomile.
Our Earcandles have been successfully used in naturopathy by therapists for decades. We use this experience to constantly  50 million successfully used Earcandles speak for themselves.

The history of Earcandles

BIOSUN has been producing innovative products for the natural healing sector since 1983. From these roots a company has developed, which today enjoys success with its own solutions in the national and international health and wellness sectors.
The ear candle, which has been used as a natural remedy in various cultures since time immemorial, is one of these excellent products. Historical roots can be found in the steppe peoples of Siberia, in the Asian region and in the Indians of North and South America.
In an article from "Today's Therapist Magazine" the correlations between the Hopi Indians and the Biosun Earcandles were questioned. We would like to take this opportunity to report on the scrupulous research undertaken by Biosun.
In order to confirm the authenticity and the historical credibility through original knowledge, Biosun has also researched the Pueblo Indians of North America, and in particular the Hopi Indians.

In a fax to BIOSUN from 18th December 1992, the author Mr. Buschenreiter reported in a letter to Biosun of a telephone conversation between himself and the spokesperson for the traditional Hopi, Thomas Banyacya Sr. He told Mr. Buschenreiter that the ear candle is known to the Hopi fire clan. " is predominantly used by the highest echelons in ceremonies. This is because they deal with the acting spirit of the fire. It is in every living thing and represents the connection to the greatest secret. This means that the traditional Hopi have used the ear candle well beyond its allegeable scientific functioning, because they know its deep spiritual significance and effect...".Back in 1985 we were the first company to begin developing the natural healing treatment of the ear candle on a professional basis and to spread the word of the treatment across the world. Between 1992 and 1993 and with the help of the famous author and expert on the traditional Hopi Indians, Alexander Buschenreiter, we succeeded in not just making contact with the traditional Hopis, but also in travelling together and collecting inimitable first-hand knowledge.

The Hopi did not use the name ear candle; this ritual is, however, known in many places, including in the southern states of the United States of America as "Ear Coning".In 1993, Alexander Buschenreiter and Udo Leschik, the founder of Biosun, succeeded in meeting the elder of the Hopi. Thomas Banyacya Sr., the spokesperson for the traditional Hopi, who has also presented the legitimate concerns of his people to the UN, established contact to Martin Gashweseoma, a traditional elder of the Hopi and custodian of the holy stone tablet of the fire clan. Martin Gashweseoma confirmed the use of this ceremony by the fire clan and introduced Udo Leschik to the traditional inauguration rituals using the rock paintings, which can be seen in the Hopi Tower, North Rim, Grand Canyon. The images that we were given permission to publish are also clear in what they show.
The BIOSUN Earcandles are produced from cotton and not from leaves, as was previously the case with the Hopi. The traditional Indian herbal mixture of sage, St. John's wort and camomile is still used to this day. Despite this adjustment to meet today's production requirements, BIOSUN Earcandles remain an authentic product from this cultural circle.

Thomas Banyacya Sr., whom we remember with great gratitude, died in 1999. One more reason not to forget the knowledge of this traditional ceremony and to continue to make it known throughout the world.The traditional knowledge of the Hopi is, in line with all Shaman customs, only passed on through the spoken language. Many descendants no longer speak the language of the Hopi and with the death of each traditional Hopi elder, a part of this deeply impressive culture and its irretrievable knowledge is lost. Thus it is becoming increasingly difficult to obtain reliable information on the subject. It is, therefore, not surprising, although it is regrettable, that Hopi Indians who do not belong to the traditional groups, no longer have any knowledge of the secret ceremonial customs of certain clans.
We are certain that this background report, the history of Biosun Earcandles and our company philosophy have been able to give you a greater insight into how all of our products have an authentic origin that has been reviewed and researched.
Thank you for your taking the time to read this information. Best wishes


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